USDA CERTIFIED and Certified by the N.C Plant Pest Control Compliance Agreement # 2777
We are not set up for customers to pick up products at the kiln.
Office Hours 0900  5:00pm
Monday - Saturday
Sunday is always reserved for our family time.

Lumber Jill Firewood, LLC

Asheville Citizen Times November 12, 2014 
Where to find firewood when temperatures dive

"The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Currently asks that campers bring in only heat treated firewood..."

"Lumber Jill Firewood delivers ethically harvested kiln-dried firewood and camping bundles..."


Smokey Mountain News, Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Park officials consider banning outside firewood

"She (Lumber Jill) said she has the highest of standards when it comes to providing firewood because she understands the importance of not allowing invasive species into the park."

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